

1 comment

  • Stickpony

    I placed an order for an Antminer A3, order ID: 0012018011805123 , and I Paid in full using BCC within 10 minutes of placing the order, using three transactions, all 3 show up on the blockchain as confirmed. Your tech support has only identified the first transaction, they didn't bother looking for the 2nd and 3rd , both of them were confirmed on the blockchain. Your support guy Hong Wang asked me to top it off, but i already topped it off!:

    here are the transactions:
    tx: 365ea10028c694fdd96fe9354c55a3418276a1e795a5af726e75d46d641c40f0
    1.40203463 BCH

    tx: f391671e4a7a7cb3f3183af30a73e796efbbed7c298d8c2ace341d08b87480af
    0.00010909 BCH

    tx: c08fa501bfeb965c3fddebe519293a3a9d1d0e42fff940e91904744327e0d68c 
    0.00098181 BCH

    total sent: 1.40312553 BCH

    Please process this and send me the order confirmation that I am fully paid up.


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