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I paid for my order number 0012017062900486, 11 days ago, and I still havent received the email with the payment confirmation from you. The Bank has not indicated the order number.
I paid for my order number 0012017070600872, 5 days ago, the order is confirmed under my profile but bitmain won't even bother sending email to confirm. Wanted to buy more machines but I cant do business like this.
Наверно они все упорно их штампуют!))
Так как на них очередь до конца сентября)
Думаю это похоже больше на аферу!
I've paid my order no 0012017070500300 since 7 days ago but still not received confirmation from Bitmain.
Hello, good afternoon, please, I need to solve this request 0012017070301659 can not and should not arrive in Venezuela because there are many problems with the customs and you can lose that merchandise that I need to transfer that money to the other order number 0012017070601642
Hello, my order ID: 0012017071200188 at 2017/07/13 and I still haven't received the email with the payment confirmation from you.
My bank cannot input order ID
Revised below.....
Order: 0012017071600007
USD Wire Transfer was completed today 7-19-2017. Please check for payment & mark order as paid.
Order email sent with wire transfer confirmation attached to:
Thank you
i wanna cancel the orders and please provide me the refund
Good afternoon, tell me who bought from Alexander miners?
I've created tickets asking to resume Order ID:0012017071301137 week now, please look into it because I couldn't sent money with my previous bank but now I can.
Thank you,
2017-08-06 11:17:16 Order ID:0012017080600116
Plesae confirmation! i pai banck transfer !!!! please seee
2017-08-11 05:44:59 Order ID:0012017081107777
Ihave paid some btc but I don't have any confirmation from your side yet please refund my btc again
2017-08-11 05:44:59 Order ID:0012017081107777
Ihave paid some btc but I don't have any confirmation from your side yet please refund my btc again
I ordered antminer D3 and power supply, order 0012017081803620. Some time ago I edited the delivery address (the "recipient" field) in the account. But in the order (and in the invoice) the information was not edited. Replace, please, in the order for the corrected address from the account. Thank you.
I paid for my order number 0012017070300698, Date: 7/3/2017
To: 1LwGG8K1BqeUGaisp48kQiDuSGxbf9nTGk
Debit: -0.83300000 BTC
Transaction fee: -0.01284096 BTC
Net amount: -0.84584096 BTC
Transaction ID: c36e153e1023973d3e12719b8c03496fd43791943b031a5d30dcca13a0df7544
Ihave paid some btc but I don't have any confirmation from your side yet please refund my btc again
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