S19 pro+ hyd could not find chips and power off hashboards
I have an S19 pro+ hyd machine.
The machine start but first sometimes could not find some chips then turn off the hash board, I reset the hole machine and seem like to work a day or two. Now chain 0 find 179 ASIC out of 180 turn off hash board 0 and start mining but after half an hour the machine power off with low hash rate.
This phenomenon may be a psu problem?
Thanks for the help.
I have a following log:
1970-01-01 00:00:10 This is fix-freq version
1970-01-01 00:00:10 Miner compile time: Fri Feb 2 17:34:16 CST 2024 type: Antminer S19 Pro Hyd.
1970-01-01 00:00:10 Miner sn: PIEMEBUBBAJAG00XP
1970-01-01 00:00:10 commit version: e676fcaf 2023-11-18 17:15:18, build by: jenkins 2024-02-02 17:45:39
1970-01-01 00:00:10 opt_multi_version = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:10 opt_bitmain_ab = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:10 mid_auto_gen = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:10 opt_bitmain_work_mode = 0
1970-01-01 00:00:10 mmap fpga_mem_addr_hal = 0xb4f00000
1970-01-01 00:00:10 HASH_ON_PLUG V9 = 0xf
1970-01-01 00:00:10 Note: front fan is power on!
1970-01-01 00:00:10 Note: rear fan is power on!
1970-01-01 00:00:10 start the http server
1970-01-01 00:00:10 httpserver:6060 started ok
1970-01-01 00:00:16 miner ID : 8148f44e2fbea854
1970-01-01 00:00:16 FPGA Version = 0xB031
1970-01-01 00:00:16 HASH_ON_PLUG V9 = 0xf
1970-01-01 00:00:16 ==========================capability start==========================
1970-01-01 00:00:16 board num = 4
1970-01-01 00:00:16 board id = 0, chain num = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:16 chain id = 0
1970-01-01 00:00:16 board id = 1, chain num = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:16 chain id = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:16 board id = 2, chain num = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:16 chain id = 2
1970-01-01 00:00:16 board id = 3, chain num = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:16 chain id = 3
1970-01-01 00:00:16 ==========================capability end============================
1970-01-01 00:00:16 chain num = 4
1970-01-01 00:00:16 skip loading levels for now
2024-06-16 08:06:40 load chain 0 eeprom data
2024-06-16 08:06:44 load chain 1 eeprom data
2024-06-16 08:06:49 load chain 2 eeprom data
2024-06-16 08:06:53 load chain 3 eeprom data
2024-06-16 08:06:53 updated miner type to: Antminer S19 Pro Hyd.
2024-06-16 08:06:53 multi machine mode
2024-06-16 08:06:53 load machine HHB42602 conf
2024-06-16 08:06:53 machine : HHB42602
2024-06-16 08:06:53 chain_num 4, chain_domain_num 60, chain_asic_num 180, domain_asic_num 3
2024-06-16 08:06:53 multi miner type mode
2024-06-16 08:06:53 fan_eft : 0 fan_pwm : 100
2024-06-16 08:06:53 create thread get_nonce_and_register_thread
2024-06-16 08:06:53 fixed working voltage = 2050
2024-06-16 08:06:53 Chain [0] PCB Version: 0x0200
2024-06-16 08:06:53 Chain [0] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-06-16 08:06:53 Chain [1] PCB Version: 0x0200
2024-06-16 08:06:53 Chain [1] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-06-16 08:06:53 Chain [2] PCB Version: 0x0200
2024-06-16 08:06:53 Chain [2] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-06-16 08:06:53 Chain [3] PCB Version: 0x0200
2024-06-16 08:06:53 Chain [3] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-06-16 08:06:54 chain[0] PIC jump to app
2024-06-16 08:06:56 Check chain[0] PIC fw version=0xfe
2024-06-16 08:06:57 chain[1] PIC jump to app
2024-06-16 08:06:58 Check chain[1] PIC fw version=0xfe
2024-06-16 08:07:00 chain[2] PIC jump to app
2024-06-16 08:07:01 Check chain[2] PIC fw version=0xfe
2024-06-16 08:07:02 chain[3] PIC jump to app
2024-06-16 08:07:04 Check chain[3] PIC fw version=0xfe
2024-06-16 08:07:04 create thread pic_heart_beat_thread
2024-06-16 08:07:04 max sensor num = 4
2024-06-16 08:07:05 STATUS_INITED: soc init done!
2024-06-16 08:07:05 temperature_monitor_thread start...
2024-06-16 08:07:07 start to init...
2024-06-16 08:07:49 get power version failed
2024-06-16 08:07:49 check power version failed, use v2 protocal to try it again
2024-06-16 08:07:51 power open power_version = 0x64
2024-06-16 08:07:55 power is Calibrated
2024-06-16 08:07:55 power sn:KLKT330BBJIAF1137
2024-06-16 08:07:55 enable_power_calibration, calibration date:211208.
2024-06-16 08:08:45 get power version failed
2024-06-16 08:08:45 check power version failed, use v2 protocal to try it again
2024-06-16 08:08:47 power type version: 0x0064
2024-06-16 08:08:47 Initializing the power, please wait, this may take up to 2 minutes...
2024-06-16 08:09:18 Slept 30 seconds, diff = 1.
2024-06-16 08:09:19 set_voltage_by_steps to 2100.
2024-06-16 08:09:23 chain avg vol rise to 21.23
2024-06-16 08:09:28 start up min temp by 75a = 22
2024-06-16 08:09:28 water temp 22 ~ 23, stop.
2024-06-16 08:09:28 Bring up temperature is 22
2024-06-16 08:09:28 set UART baud to 115200
2024-06-16 08:09:38 Chain[0]: find 179 asic, times 0
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1811942656 asic 0
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1426958848 asic 13
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1426958848 asic 13
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1426117888 asic 0
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1426958848 asic 13
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1649742592 asic 85
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1426958848 asic 13
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1655352064 asic 170
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1649742592 asic 85
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1622499840 asic 181
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1655330048 asic 170
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1434692096 asic 131
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1434692096 asic 131
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1423475456 asic 216
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1434757632 asic 132
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1434692096 asic 131
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1488281856 asic 181
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1434670080 asic 131
2024-06-16 08:09:48 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 813717504 asic 128
2024-06-16 08:09:49 Chain[0]: find 9 asic, times 1
2024-06-16 08:10:01 Chain[0]: find 179 asic, times 2
2024-06-16 08:10:02 Chain 0 only find 179 asic, will power off hash board 0
2024-06-16 08:10:13 Chain[1]: find 180 asic, times 0
2024-06-16 08:10:23 Chain[2]: find 180 asic, times 0
2024-06-16 08:10:31 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 1426969859 asic 13
2024-06-16 08:10:31 !!! REG_TYPE = 1. 830472195 asic 128
2024-06-16 08:10:32 Chain[3]: find 25 asic, times 0
2024-06-16 08:10:44 Chain[3]: find 9 asic, times 1
2024-06-16 08:10:56 Chain[3]: find 180 asic, times 2
2024-06-16 08:11:01 pulse_mode = 1, ccdly_sel = 0, pwth_sel = 1
2024-06-16 08:11:10 min freq in eeprom = 505
2024-06-16 08:11:10 fixed frequency is 505
2024-06-16 08:11:10 Bring up temperature is 22
2024-06-16 08:11:10 pulse_mode = 1, ccdly_sel = 0, pwth_sel = 1
2024-06-16 08:11:10 start do_core_reset
2024-06-16 08:11:40 end do_core_reset
2024-06-16 08:11:45 set UART baud to 3000000
2024-06-16 08:11:45 create thread check_miner_status_thread
2024-06-16 08:11:45 create thread check_system_work_thread
2024-06-16 08:11:45 set_voltage_by_steps to 2160.
2024-06-16 08:11:48 fixed step freq_start = 50, freq_end = 505, freq_step = 6.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 56.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 56.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 56.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 62.50
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 62.50
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 62.50
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 68.75
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 68.75
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 68.75
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 75.00
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 75.00
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 75.00
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 81.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 81.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 81.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 87.50
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 87.50
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 87.50
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 93.75
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 93.75
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 93.75
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 100.00
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 100.00
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 100.00
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 106.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 106.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 106.25
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 1 set freq to 112.50
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 2 set freq to 112.50
2024-06-16 08:11:48 chain = 3 set freq to 112.50
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 1 set freq to 118.75
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 2 set freq to 118.75
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 3 set freq to 118.75
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 1 set freq to 125.00
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 2 set freq to 125.00
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 3 set freq to 125.00
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 1 set freq to 131.25
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 2 set freq to 131.25
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 3 set freq to 131.25
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 1 set freq to 137.50
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 2 set freq to 137.50
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 3 set freq to 137.50
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 1 set freq to 143.75
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 2 set freq to 143.75
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 3 set freq to 143.75
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 1 set freq to 150.00
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 2 set freq to 150.00
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 3 set freq to 150.00
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 1 set freq to 156.25
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 2 set freq to 156.25
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 3 set freq to 156.25
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 1 set freq to 162.50
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 2 set freq to 162.50
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 3 set freq to 162.50
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 1 set freq to 168.75
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 2 set freq to 168.75
2024-06-16 08:11:49 chain = 3 set freq to 168.75
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 175.00
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 175.00
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 175.00
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 181.25
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 181.25
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 181.25
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 187.50
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 187.50
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 187.50
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 193.75
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 193.75
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 193.75
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 200.00
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 200.00
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 200.00
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 206.25
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 206.25
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 206.25
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 212.50
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 212.50
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 212.50
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 218.75
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 218.75
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 218.75
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 225.00
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 225.00
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 225.00
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 1 set freq to 231.25
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 2 set freq to 231.25
2024-06-16 08:11:50 chain = 3 set freq to 231.25
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 237.50
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 237.50
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 237.50
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 243.75
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 243.75
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 243.75
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 250.00
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 250.00
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 250.00
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 256.25
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 256.25
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 256.25
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 262.50
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 262.50
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 262.50
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 268.75
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 268.75
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 268.75
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 275.00
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 275.00
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 275.00
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 281.25
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 281.25
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 281.25
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 287.50
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 287.50
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 287.50
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 1 set freq to 293.75
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 2 set freq to 293.75
2024-06-16 08:11:51 chain = 3 set freq to 293.75
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 1 set freq to 300.00
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 2 set freq to 300.00
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 3 set freq to 300.00
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 1 set freq to 306.25
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 2 set freq to 306.25
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 3 set freq to 306.25
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 1 set freq to 312.50
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 2 set freq to 312.50
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 3 set freq to 312.50
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 1 set freq to 318.75
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 2 set freq to 318.75
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 3 set freq to 318.75
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 1 set freq to 325.00
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 2 set freq to 325.00
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 3 set freq to 325.00
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 1 set freq to 331.25
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 2 set freq to 331.25
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 3 set freq to 331.25
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 1 set freq to 337.50
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 2 set freq to 337.50
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 3 set freq to 337.50
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 1 set freq to 343.75
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 2 set freq to 343.75
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 3 set freq to 343.75
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 1 set freq to 350.00
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 2 set freq to 350.00
2024-06-16 08:11:52 chain = 3 set freq to 350.00
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 356.25
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 356.25
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 356.25
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 362.50
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 362.50
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 362.50
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 368.75
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 368.75
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 368.75
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 375.00
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 375.00
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 375.00
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 381.25
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 381.25
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 381.25
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 387.50
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 387.50
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 387.50
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 393.75
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 393.75
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 393.75
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 400.00
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 400.00
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 400.00
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 406.25
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 406.25
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 406.25
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 1 set freq to 412.50
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 2 set freq to 412.50
2024-06-16 08:11:53 chain = 3 set freq to 412.50
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 1 set freq to 418.75
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 2 set freq to 418.75
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 3 set freq to 418.75
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 1 set freq to 425.00
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 2 set freq to 425.00
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 3 set freq to 425.00
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 1 set freq to 431.25
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 2 set freq to 431.25
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 3 set freq to 431.25
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 1 set freq to 437.50
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 2 set freq to 437.50
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 3 set freq to 437.50
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 1 set freq to 443.75
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 2 set freq to 443.75
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 3 set freq to 443.75
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 1 set freq to 450.00
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 2 set freq to 450.00
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 3 set freq to 450.00
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 1 set freq to 456.25
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 2 set freq to 456.25
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 3 set freq to 456.25
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 1 set freq to 462.50
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 2 set freq to 462.50
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 3 set freq to 462.50
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 1 set freq to 468.75
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 2 set freq to 468.75
2024-06-16 08:11:54 chain = 3 set freq to 468.75
2024-06-16 08:11:54 set_voltage_by_steps to 2155.
2024-06-16 08:11:59 chain = 1 set freq to 475.00
2024-06-16 08:11:59 chain = 2 set freq to 475.00
2024-06-16 08:11:59 chain = 3 set freq to 475.00
2024-06-16 08:11:59 set_voltage_by_steps to 2150.
2024-06-16 08:12:04 chain = 1 set freq to 481.25
2024-06-16 08:12:04 chain = 2 set freq to 481.25
2024-06-16 08:12:04 chain = 3 set freq to 481.25
2024-06-16 08:12:04 set_voltage_by_steps to 2145.
2024-06-16 08:12:08 chain = 1 set freq to 487.50
2024-06-16 08:12:08 chain = 2 set freq to 487.50
2024-06-16 08:12:08 chain = 3 set freq to 487.50
2024-06-16 08:12:08 set_voltage_by_steps to 2140.
2024-06-16 08:12:13 chain = 1 set freq to 493.75
2024-06-16 08:12:13 chain = 2 set freq to 493.75
2024-06-16 08:12:13 chain = 3 set freq to 493.75
2024-06-16 08:12:13 set_voltage_by_steps to 2135.
2024-06-16 08:12:18 chain = 1 set freq to 500.00
2024-06-16 08:12:18 chain = 2 set freq to 500.00
2024-06-16 08:12:18 chain = 3 set freq to 500.00
2024-06-16 08:12:18 set_voltage_by_steps to 2130.
2024-06-16 08:12:23 chain = 1 set freq to 505.00
2024-06-16 08:12:23 chain = 2 set freq to 505.00
2024-06-16 08:12:23 chain = 3 set freq to 505.00
2024-06-16 08:12:23 set_voltage_by_steps to 2125.
2024-06-16 08:12:27 set_voltage_by_steps to 2120.
2024-06-16 08:12:30 pulse_mode = 1, ccdly_sel = 0, pwth_sel = 1
2024-06-16 08:12:30 start do_core_reset
2024-06-16 08:13:00 end do_core_reset
2024-06-16 08:13:10 set_voltage_by_steps to 2118.
2024-06-16 08:13:15 set_voltage_by_steps to 2116.
2024-06-16 08:13:20 set_voltage_by_steps to 2114.
2024-06-16 08:13:24 set_voltage_by_steps to 2112.
2024-06-16 08:13:29 set_voltage_by_steps to 2110.
2024-06-16 08:13:31 Init done!
2024-06-16 08:13:31 STATUS_OKAY
2024-06-16 08:13:31 start the cached job
2024-06-16 08:13:31 Version num 256
2024-06-16 08:13:31 Mask num 0x1fe000
2024-06-16 08:13:31 freq = 505, percent = 90, hcn = 2595, timeout = 5979
2024-06-16 08:13:31 set_start_time_point total_tv_start_sys=433 total_tv_end_sys=434
2024-06-16 08:13:31 entrance_temp = 31, work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2110, ->tgt_volt = 2067
2024-06-16 08:13:31 set_voltage_by_steps to 2100.
2024-06-16 08:13:34 set_voltage_by_steps to 2090.
2024-06-16 08:13:37 set_voltage_by_steps to 2080.
2024-06-16 08:13:40 set_voltage_by_steps to 2070.
2024-06-16 08:13:43 set_voltage_by_steps to 2067.
2024-06-16 08:17:56 entrance_temp = 36, ->work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2067
2024-06-16 08:17:56 set_voltage_by_steps to 2057.
2024-06-16 08:17:59 set_voltage_by_steps to 2050.
2024-06-16 08:22:21 entrance_temp = 33, work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2050, ->tgt_volt = 2060
2024-06-16 08:22:21 set_voltage_by_steps to 2060.
2024-06-16 08:41:48 30m avg rate is 140332.54 in 28 mins
2024-06-16 09:11:52 30m avg rate is 140716.16 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 09:41:56 30m avg rate is 140490.04 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 10:12:01 30m avg rate is 140338.88 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 10:27:03 chain 1 hash rate 31581.00 low in 15 mins
2024-06-16 10:27:03 chain 2 hash rate 31184.00 low in 15 mins
2024-06-16 10:42:06 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 78737.82 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 10:42:06 30m avg rate is 78737.82 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 10:42:06 chain 1 hash rate 1025.00 low in 15 mins
2024-06-16 10:42:06 chain 2 hash rate 260.00 low in 15 mins
2024-06-16 11:12:10 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 47674.95 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 11:12:10 30m avg rate is 47674.95 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 11:42:15 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 47858.91 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 11:42:15 30m avg rate is 47858.91 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 12:12:19 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 48025.01 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 12:12:19 30m avg rate is 48025.01 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 12:42:24 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 47963.07 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 12:42:24 30m avg rate is 47963.07 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 13:12:29 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 48240.77 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 13:12:29 30m avg rate is 48240.77 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 13:42:33 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 48163.48 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 13:42:33 30m avg rate is 48163.48 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 14:12:37 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 47995.75 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 14:12:37 30m avg rate is 47995.75 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 14:42:42 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 47843.68 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 14:42:42 30m avg rate is 47843.68 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 15:12:46 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 48170.68 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 15:12:46 30m avg rate is 48170.68 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 15:42:51 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 47859.52 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 15:42:51 30m avg rate is 47859.52 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 16:12:55 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 47913.47 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 16:12:55 30m avg rate is 47913.47 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 16:43:00 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 48055.48 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 16:43:00 30m avg rate is 48055.48 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 17:13:04 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 48109.27 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 17:13:04 30m avg rate is 48109.27 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 17:43:08 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 48070.72 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 17:43:08 30m avg rate is 48070.72 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 18:13:12 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 47936.63 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 18:13:12 30m avg rate is 47936.63 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 18:34:50 entrance_temp = 36, ->work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2060
2024-06-16 18:34:50 set_voltage_by_steps to 2050.
2024-06-16 18:40:12 entrance_temp = 33, work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2050, ->tgt_volt = 2060
2024-06-16 18:40:12 set_voltage_by_steps to 2060.
2024-06-16 18:43:17 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 48052.01 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 18:43:17 30m avg rate is 48052.01 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 18:55:37 entrance_temp = 36, ->work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2060
2024-06-16 18:55:37 set_voltage_by_steps to 2050.
2024-06-16 19:00:41 entrance_temp = 33, work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2050, ->tgt_volt = 2060
2024-06-16 19:00:41 set_voltage_by_steps to 2060.
2024-06-16 19:13:21 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 48117.04 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 19:13:21 30m avg rate is 48117.04 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 19:13:48 entrance_temp = 36, ->work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2060
2024-06-16 19:13:48 set_voltage_by_steps to 2050.
2024-06-16 19:18:44 entrance_temp = 33, work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2050, ->tgt_volt = 2060
2024-06-16 19:18:44 set_voltage_by_steps to 2060.
2024-06-16 19:29:05 entrance_temp = 36, ->work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2060
2024-06-16 19:29:05 set_voltage_by_steps to 2050.
2024-06-16 19:34:16 entrance_temp = 33, work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2050, ->tgt_volt = 2060
2024-06-16 19:34:16 set_voltage_by_steps to 2060.
2024-06-16 19:43:25 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 47876.30 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 19:43:25 30m avg rate is 47876.30 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 19:44:26 entrance_temp = 36, ->work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2060
2024-06-16 19:44:26 set_voltage_by_steps to 2050.
2024-06-16 19:49:16 entrance_temp = 33, work_vol = 2050, curr_vol = 2050, ->tgt_volt = 2060
2024-06-16 19:49:16 set_voltage_by_steps to 2060.
2024-06-16 19:56:42 over max temp, pic temp(chain0) 36 (max 65), pcb temp(chain0) 46 (max 75), chip temp(chain0) 115(max 85) pcb temp rise 0 chip temp rise 0, total_exit_failure 0
2024-06-16 19:56:42 ERROR_TEMP_TOO_HIGH: over max temp
2024-06-16 19:56:42 stop_mining: over max temp
2024-06-16 19:56:42 uninit_temp_info
2024-06-16 19:56:42 do not read temp anymore...
2024-06-16 19:56:42 cancel thread
2024-06-16 19:56:42 cancel thread
2024-06-16 19:56:42 cancel thread
2024-06-16 19:56:42 ****power off hashboard****
2024-06-16 19:56:46 temp monitor thread exit
2024-06-16 20:13:28 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 21309.29 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 20:13:28 30m avg rate is 21309.29 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 20:13:28 chain 1 hash rate 0.00 low in 15 mins
2024-06-16 20:13:28 chain 2 hash rate 0.00 low in 15 mins
2024-06-16 20:13:28 chain 3 hash rate 0.00 low in 15 mins
2024-06-16 20:43:28 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 20:43:28 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 21:13:29 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 21:13:29 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 21:43:30 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 21:43:30 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 22:13:30 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 22:13:30 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 22:43:31 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 22:43:31 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 23:13:32 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 23:13:32 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 23:43:33 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-16 23:43:33 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 00:13:33 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 00:13:33 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 00:43:34 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 00:43:34 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 01:13:35 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 01:13:35 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 01:43:35 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 01:43:35 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 02:13:36 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 02:13:36 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 02:43:37 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 02:43:37 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 03:13:37 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 03:13:37 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 03:43:38 avg rate is lower than ideal rate, 0.00 in 30 mins
2024-06-17 03:43:38 30m avg rate is 0.00 in 30 mins
Dear customer.
Please refer to the following instructions to send the miner or parts for repair.
Please refer to the link below to create a repair ticket first.
The warehouse will not accept the goods without the repair ticket.
Please send defective miners or parts to an official repair center.
Please do not send the machine to an address other than the repair centre you can choose from in the repair ticket.
Please pay attention to the clearance instructions of the optional repair centre to avoid customs clearance failure.
Customer service may notify you of repairs and customs clearance by email or phone, so please make sure to keep your email and mobile phone in correspondence.
Best regards
Dear Customer,
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Please creat support ticket by https://support.bitmain.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Or send email to customersupport@bitmain.com
We will reply to your question as soon as possible.
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