S19jpro+ 0 Asic
Friends, approximately three days ago the device lowered its Hash rate which led me to clean the device and then restart it and install the firmware. I couldn't read any plate anymore, can you please help me as soon as possible, thank you dear
2015-01-01 00:00:15 Miner compile time: Wed Jun 28 17:54:07 CST 2023 type: Antminer BHB42XXX sn :JYZZADUBCJEAE0090
2015-01-01 00:00:16 This is fix-freq version
2015-01-01 00:00:16 Miner compile time: Wed Jun 28 17:54:07 CST 2023 type: Antminer BHB42XXX
2015-01-01 00:00:16 Miner sn: JYZZADUBCJEAE0090
2015-01-01 00:00:16 commit version: 1180224 2023-06-28 17:51:54, build by: jenkins 2023-06-28 18:13:05
2015-01-01 00:00:16 opt_multi_version = 1
2015-01-01 00:00:16 opt_bitmain_ab = 1
2015-01-01 00:00:16 mid_auto_gen = 1
2015-01-01 00:00:16 opt_bitmain_work_mode = 0
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 439 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 454 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 440 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 455 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 441 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 456 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 438 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 453 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 446 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 port 445 already exported
2015-01-01 00:00:16 Note: front fan is power on!
2015-01-01 00:00:16 Note: rear fan is power on!
2015-01-01 00:00:16 start the http log.
2015-01-01 00:00:16 httpListenThread start ret=0
2015-01-01 00:00:16 start listen on 6060 ...
2015-01-01 00:00:16 bad chain id = 3
2015-01-01 00:00:19 bad chain id = 3
2015-01-01 00:00:21 ==========================capability start==========================
2015-01-01 00:00:21 board num = 3
2015-01-01 00:00:21 board id = 0, chain num = 1
2015-01-01 00:00:21 chain id = 0
2015-01-01 00:00:21 board id = 1, chain num = 1
2015-01-01 00:00:21 chain id = 1
2015-01-01 00:00:21 board id = 2, chain num = 1
2015-01-01 00:00:21 chain id = 2
2015-01-01 00:00:21 ==========================capability end============================
2015-01-01 00:00:21 chain num = 3
2015-01-01 00:00:21 skip loading levels for now
2015-01-01 00:00:25 load chain 0 eeprom data
2024-07-27 14:35:46 load chain 1 eeprom data
2024-07-27 14:35:49 load chain 2 eeprom data
2024-07-27 14:35:49 miner type: Antminer S19j Pro+
2024-07-27 14:35:49 multi machine mode
2024-07-27 14:35:49 load machine BHB42612 conf
2024-07-27 14:35:49 machine : BHB42612
2024-07-27 14:35:49 chain_num 4, chain_domain_num 40, chain_asic_num 120, domain_asic_num 3
2024-07-27 14:35:49 get mix boardname[0][BHB42612], name:BHB42612
2024-07-27 14:35:49 fan_eft : 0 fan_pwm : 100
2024-07-27 14:35:49 create thread get_nonce_and_register_thread
2024-07-27 14:35:49 fixed working voltage = 1340
2024-07-27 14:35:49 fixed frequency is 600
2024-07-27 14:35:49 Chain [0] PCB Version: 0x0100
2024-07-27 14:35:49 Chain [0] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-07-27 14:35:49 Chain [1] PCB Version: 0x0100
2024-07-27 14:35:49 Chain [1] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-07-27 14:35:49 Chain [2] PCB Version: 0x0100
2024-07-27 14:35:49 Chain [2] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-07-27 14:35:49 bad chain id = 3
2024-07-27 14:35:49 Fan check passed.
2024-07-27 14:35:49 uart_trans addr:0xf72a9000.
2024-07-27 14:35:49 max sensor num = 4
2024-07-27 14:35:49 STATUS_INITED: soc init done!
2024-07-27 14:35:49 temperature_monitor_thread start...
2024-07-27 14:35:51 start to init...
2024-07-27 14:35:51 i2c_sim_init start
2024-07-27 14:35:51 init gpio477
2024-07-27 14:35:51 init gpio476
2024-07-27 14:35:52 i2c_sim_init end
2024-07-27 14:35:53 power open power_version = 0x76
2024-07-27 14:35:56 power is Calibrated
2024-07-27 14:35:56 power sn:DGQG329BCAJBC2865
2024-07-27 14:35:56 enable_power_calibration,calibration date:211208.
2024-07-27 14:35:57 power type version: 0x0076
2024-07-27 14:35:58 disable power watchdog: 0x0000
2024-07-27 14:35:59 Initializing the power, please wait, this may take up to 2 minutes...
2024-07-27 14:36:30 Slept 30 seconds, diff = 1.
2024-07-27 14:36:34 set_voltage_by_steps to 1500.
2024-07-27 14:36:44 start up min temp by 75a = 21
2024-07-27 14:36:46 Chain[0]: find 0 asic, times 0
2024-07-27 14:36:48 Chain[0]: find 0 asic, times 1
2024-07-27 14:36:50 Chain[0]: find 0 asic, times 2
2024-07-27 14:36:50 Chain 0 only find 0 asic, will power off hash board 0
2024-07-27 14:36:51 Chain[1]: find 0 asic, times 0
2024-07-27 14:36:53 Chain[1]: find 0 asic, times 1
2024-07-27 14:36:55 Chain[1]: find 0 asic, times 2
2024-07-27 14:36:55 Chain 1 only find 0 asic, will power off hash board 1
2024-07-27 14:36:57 Chain[2]: find 0 asic, times 0
2024-07-27 14:36:58 Chain[2]: find 0 asic, times 1
2024-07-27 14:37:00 Chain[2]: find 0 asic, times 2
2024-07-27 14:37:00 Chain 2 only find 0 asic, will power off hash board 2
2024-07-27 14:37:00 ERROR_SOC_INIT: soc init failed!
2024-07-27 14:37:00 stop_mining: soc init failed!
2024-07-27 14:37:00 uninit_temp_info
2024-07-27 14:37:00 do not read temp anymore...
2024-07-27 14:37:00 cancel thread
2024-07-27 14:37:00 ****power off hashboard****
2024-07-27 14:37:01 temp monitor thread exit
2024-07-27 14:37:02 Version num 65536
2024-07-27 14:37:02 Mask num 0x1fffe000
2024-07-27 14:37:02 opt_multi_version = 65536, interval timeout = 2576980
2024-07-27 14:37:02 freq = 600, percent = 90, hcn = 4368, timeout = 2576980
Dear customer.
From the kernel log, it can't detect the hashboard. please kindly exclude the issue by following steps:
1.Check the wires for the hashboard--pull them and re-plug them again, and also you can try to change the new wires.
2.Please clean up the dust.
How To Clean and Dust The Antminers
https://support.bitmain.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004520173-How-To-Clean-and-Dust-The-Antminers3.Reset the miner to the factory settings
https://support.bitmain.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003595387-How-to-reset-miner-to-factory-settings-If there are still the same problems after the above steps, please send it to repair.
Best regards
Dear Customer,
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Please creat support ticket by https://support.bitmain.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Or send email to customersupport@bitmain.com (mailto:customersupport@bitmain.com)
We will reply to your question as soon as possible. -
Dear Customer,
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Please creat support ticket by https://support.bitmain.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Or send email to customersupport@bitmain.com (mailto:customersupport@bitmain.com)
We will reply to your question as soon as possible. -
Dear Customer,
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Please creat support ticket by https://support.bitmain.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Or send email to customersupport@bitmain.com (mailto:customersupport@bitmain.com)
We will reply to your question as soon as possible.
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