Antminer S19 Pro Hyd. problems with temperature
Please help, I've been trying to turn on the miner for a few days, but after any restart it throws an error
Thank you for help or any idea how fix problem
Antminer S19 Pro Hyd.
===========================================Miner log===========================================
1970-01-01 00:00:11 This is fix-freq version
1970-01-01 00:00:11 Miner compile time: Fri Feb 2 17:34:16 CST 2024 type: Antminer S19 Pro Hyd.
1970-01-01 00:00:11 Miner sn: PIEMEBUBBAJAG00GW
1970-01-01 00:00:11 commit version: e676fcaf 2023-11-18 17:15:18, build by: jenkins 2024-02-02 17:45:39
1970-01-01 00:00:11 opt_multi_version = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:11 opt_bitmain_ab = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:11 mid_auto_gen = 1
1970-01-01 00:00:11 opt_bitmain_work_mode = 0
1970-01-01 00:00:11 mmap fpga_mem_addr_hal = 0xb4e00000
1970-01-01 00:00:11 HASH_ON_PLUG V9 = 0xf
1970-01-01 00:00:11 Note: front fan is power on!
1970-01-01 00:00:11 Note: rear fan is power on!
1970-01-01 00:00:11 start the http server
1970-01-01 00:00:11 httpserver:6060 started ok
2024-06-24 17:44:11 miner ID : 813ca54e2fbea814
2024-06-24 17:44:11 FPGA Version = 0xB031
2024-06-24 17:44:11 HASH_ON_PLUG V9 = 0xf
2024-06-24 17:44:11 ==========================capability start==========================
2024-06-24 17:44:11 board num = 4
2024-06-24 17:44:11 board id = 0, chain num = 1
2024-06-24 17:44:11 chain id = 0
2024-06-24 17:44:11 board id = 1, chain num = 1
2024-06-24 17:44:11 chain id = 1
2024-06-24 17:44:11 board id = 2, chain num = 1
2024-06-24 17:44:11 chain id = 2
2024-06-24 17:44:11 board id = 3, chain num = 1
2024-06-24 17:44:11 chain id = 3
2024-06-24 17:44:11 ==========================capability end============================
2024-06-24 17:44:11 chain num = 4
2024-06-24 17:44:11 skip loading levels for now
2024-06-24 17:44:15 load chain 0 eeprom data
2024-06-24 17:44:20 load chain 1 eeprom data
2024-06-24 17:44:24 load chain 2 eeprom data
2024-06-24 17:44:28 load chain 3 eeprom data
2024-06-24 17:44:28 updated miner type to: Antminer S19 Pro Hyd.
2024-06-24 17:44:28 multi machine mode
2024-06-24 17:44:28 load machine HHB42602 conf
2024-06-24 17:44:28 machine : HHB42602
2024-06-24 17:44:28 chain_num 4, chain_domain_num 60, chain_asic_num 180, domain_asic_num 3
2024-06-24 17:44:28 multi miner type mode
2024-06-24 17:44:28 fan_eft : 0 fan_pwm : 100
2024-06-24 17:44:28 create thread get_nonce_and_register_thread
2024-06-24 17:44:28 fixed working voltage = 2030
2024-06-24 17:44:28 Chain [0] PCB Version: 0x0200
2024-06-24 17:44:28 Chain [0] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-06-24 17:44:28 Chain [1] PCB Version: 0x0200
2024-06-24 17:44:28 Chain [1] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-06-24 17:44:28 Chain [2] PCB Version: 0x0200
2024-06-24 17:44:28 Chain [2] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-06-24 17:44:28 Chain [3] PCB Version: 0x0200
2024-06-24 17:44:28 Chain [3] BOM Version: 0x0010
2024-06-24 17:44:29 chain[0] PIC jump to app
2024-06-24 17:44:31 Check chain[0] PIC fw version=0xfe
2024-06-24 17:44:32 chain[1] PIC jump to app
2024-06-24 17:44:33 Check chain[1] PIC fw version=0xfe
2024-06-24 17:44:35 chain[2] PIC jump to app
2024-06-24 17:44:36 Check chain[2] PIC fw version=0xfe
2024-06-24 17:44:37 chain[3] PIC jump to app
2024-06-24 17:44:39 Check chain[3] PIC fw version=0xfe
2024-06-24 17:44:39 create thread pic_heart_beat_thread
2024-06-24 17:44:39 max sensor num = 4
2024-06-24 17:44:40 STATUS_INITED: soc init done!
2024-06-24 17:44:40 temperature_monitor_thread start...
2024-06-24 17:44:43 start to init...
2024-06-24 17:44:58 _pic_read_iic failed! read_back_data[0] = 0x07, read_back_data[1] = 0x3c, read_back_data[2] = 0xfe
2024-06-24 17:44:58 fail to read pic temp for chain 3
2024-06-24 17:45:12 too low water temperature pic temp 0 (min 20)
2024-06-24 17:45:12 ERROR_TEMP_TOO_LOW: low min temp
2024-06-24 17:45:12 stop_mining: low min temp
2024-06-24 17:45:12 uninit_temp_info
2024-06-24 17:45:12 do not read temp anymore...
2024-06-24 17:45:12 cancel thread
2024-06-24 17:45:12 cancel thread
2024-06-24 17:45:12 ****power off hashboard****
2024-06-24 17:45:24 get power version failed
2024-06-24 17:45:24 check power version failed, use v2 protocal to try it again
2024-06-24 17:45:26 power open power_version = 0x64
2024-06-24 17:45:29 temp monitor thread exit
2024-06-24 17:45:30 power is Calibrated
2024-06-24 17:45:30 power sn:KLKT330BBAJAI0450
2024-06-24 17:45:30 enable_power_calibration, calibration date:211208.
2024-06-24 17:45:37 Version num 256
2024-06-24 17:45:37 Mask num 0x1fe000
2024-06-24 17:45:37 Note: addrInterval or corenum is not initialized.
2024-06-24 17:46:20 get power version failed
2024-06-24 17:46:20 check power version failed, use v2 protocal to try it again
2024-06-24 17:46:22 power type version: 0x0064
2024-06-24 17:46:22 Initializing the power, please wait, this may take up to 2 minutes...
2024-06-24 17:49:23 Slept 180 seconds, diff = 40.
2024-06-24 17:49:23 set_voltage_by_steps to 2100.
2024-06-24 17:49:32 start up min temp by 75a = 0
2024-06-24 17:49:32 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:49:37 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:49:42 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:49:47 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:49:52 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:49:57 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:02 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:07 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:12 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:22 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:27 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:32 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:37 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:42 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:47 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:52 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:50:57 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:51:02 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:51:07 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 5s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:51:12 Sweep error string = P:2.
2024-06-24 17:51:12 ERROR_TEMP_TOO_HIGH: Water is not flowing!
2024-06-24 17:51:12 stop_mining: Water is not flowing!
2024-06-24 17:51:12 ****power off hashboard****
2024-06-24 17:51:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:52:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:53:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:54:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:55:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:56:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:57:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:58:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 17:59:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 18:00:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 18:01:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 18:02:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 18:03:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 18:04:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 18:05:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 18:06:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 18:07:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
2024-06-24 18:08:17 water temp 0 ~ 40, sleep 60s to cool down
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