The product warranty period is calculated from the official sales shipment date, BTC new miners and new power supply warranty period is generally 365 days, subject to the sales contract. Separately purchased control board, its warranty period is 180 days from the date of shipment.
Product | Warranty |
BTC Miner(S19 and later models) | 365 Days |
Control board | 180 Days |
APW Series Power Supplies | 365 Days |
Sending spares only (such as fans) | No warranty |
EOS Models, please check: ANTMINER End of Service (EOS) Notification | No warranty |
- The warranty period is subject to the sales contract.
- In the case of out-of-warranty, you can enjoy a 15-day warranty after paying.
- Do not create a repair ticket just to lock your warranty. A new repair ticket has a validity of 7 days and if our repair sites have not received your defective items, the repair ticket will be expired.
- To avail of a repair during warranty, you must create a repair ticket before 180 or 365 days of warranty expiration, for the miner and PSU respectively.
>Check your item's warranty here
All sales are final; No refund requests will be entertained. Defective items can be repaired for free under the BITMAIN warranty policy. If the warranty has ended, the items can still be repaired for a cost.
More information can be found on our ANTMINERs Service Terms and Conditions page.
>Read Service Terms and Conditions
>How to create or edit a "Apply for Repair" ticket
>Overseas Repair Centers Delivery Addresses(Official)
If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact us for assistance.
< Contact us > |
Здравствуйте я заказывал у вас 2 майнера S7 , одна плата не рабочая я связывался по почте выяснили что действительно не работает одна плата путем отключения их от блока питания всё подтвердилось ,вот номер моего заказа на bitmain ( 0012016072500046) . Завтра вам вышлю тракинг номер моей посылки Hello I ordered 2 miner S7 , one Board not working I was contacted by email have found that really does not work one Board by disconnecting them from the power of all confirmed ,here's my order for bitmain ( 0012016072500046) . Tomorrow will send you the tracking number of my package .
Где можно проверить по серийному коду мой битмайн?
For one month my Antminer L3+ worked without any problems. After that one day the hashrate dropped to 0. There was no power outage. The miner remained online and connected to the pool but it did not hash. I restarted the miner, changed the PSU with another one that came with my S9 November batch, updated the firmware, reseted the factory settings and nothing happened. I even powered it in a different place with a different router. I also tried connecting to different pools - I connect to all of them, but after I power the miner the hashrate starts from around 500MH and drops to almost 0. After I power the miner the fans start working extremely loud and after that they start working with power way below average mining sound. The red fault light blinks red. In the beginning all the hash boards show only "ooooooooo" but after 15-20 minutes "x" also starts to appear.
After that I tested each hashboard one by one and let them work for more than 20 minutes. All the hashboards had red fault light blinking and the ASIC status was xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx. There was not even one "o". After that I connected all the hashboards and let the machine run for 30 minutes. In order for me to check the hashboards I will need to dismantle the ASIC and there are stickers on some of the screws and I don't want to void the warranty.
Can I dismantle the miner without voiding the warranty? I want to examine the hashboards before I ship it for repairs?
Mrs. BITMAIN, this is to report that after waiting so long
for the ANTMINER MODEL D3 machine SN: DGCC71DAGAAAH0273, since its
shipment on 2017-11-27 with the order 0012017081900059 and put into production on 2017-12-11
I detect today that the equipment under its capacity to GH / S (avg)
11,956.88 when its capacity is greater.
When verifying Ip address the status of the miner identify that
only chain 1 and 3 are operational where chain 2 is not operational
check connections make the review card by card and the 2 no works
so I request activation of the Warranty.
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